Picture an apartment complex in your minds eye. Chances are you’re imagining an uninspired pattern of brick and balconies anywhere from five to forty stories tall. Now forget whatever you pictured and take a peek at this magnificent structure, known as “Verde”.

In the world of architecture, apartment complexes don’t get much attention, but that’s not the case for this incredible structure in Turin, Italy. There you’ll find this fantastical apartment complex that utilizes living walls, breathing walls to protect its residents from the hustle and bustle of its surrounding urban environment. To be inside of the building is to feel as if you’ve just stepped into the jowels of a lush forest. Even the steel structure is modeled in a way that resembles the sprawling branches of a tree. Verde 25, designed by Luciano Pia, has an undulating facade that holds 150 trees and absorbs 200,000 liters of CO2 per hour.