Home Homes Shipping Containers This Amazing Rustic Home Was Once A Shipping Container

This Amazing Rustic Home Was Once A Shipping Container


Custom Container Living of Missouri specializes in converting shipping containers into the tiny home of your dreams. Take a look at their current 215-square foot offering.

Come on in! This house may be compact, but it certainly does use its opportunities for storage space!

Come on in!

Custom Container Living builds these homes to fit anyone’s individual needs, whether you’re in the market for a cabin by the lake or a detached office. This rustic listing would certainly meet the requirements of the former!

A view of the living room and kitchen.

A view of the living room and kitchen.

The kitchen cabinets are made of birch and the counter top is made of Formica, of which a 22-inch overhang allows for a built-in dining area, and the appliances are stainless steel. This home even includes a washer and dryer built into the side of the refrigerator!

Note the built-in storage underneath the staircase!

An expanded look at the interior, with the stairwell leading up to the bedroom loft. Note the built-in storage underneath the staircase! Washer and dryer not pictured.

The bedroom loft is large enough to accommodate a queen-size bed, and is also the perfect location to play Scrabble.

The bedroom loft is large enough to accommodate a queen-size bed, and is also the perfect location to play Scrabble.