Living with a few cats is no big deal, quite ordinary really. However, it would be an understatement to say that most people would be quite turned off at the notion of living in a house with 14 cats. However, it might be a bit less insufferable if, like Californian home-owner Peter Cohen, you managed to devise a way to cultivate an odor-free environment despite the frequency of fecal feline activity. Cohen is no stranger to the ins and outs of home building, having founded construction company Trillium Enterprises with his brother Ken in the late 1980’s.


wenn22128468xHis background in construction came in handy when Peter moved to a previously owned home and inherited two cats who had no interest in being relocated. Rather than condemning the furry pets to a life on the streets, he became emotionally attached enough to not only keep the cats, but to design his interiors based around their well-being and entertainment. He began to outfit walls with ramped ledges, catwalks, and tiny cat-specific staircases.

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But, the most important feature of all? A series of odor-free closets that house an impressive 22 litter boxes, keeping all cat-specific fragrances confined and controlled. Perhaps even more impressive is how he was able to train all 14 cats, a species notorious for their general disregard for authority. Cohen is always looking for new ways to expand his feline empire, and has become an advocate for the rescue of lost or neglected animals. I’m not sure if all cats go to heaven, but finding yourself living at the Cohen house is the next best thing.